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AdventureCommandSourceStack - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
An interface applied to CommandSourceStack to allow sending Components.
asComponentThrowable(CommandSyntaxException) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Expose a Brigadier CommandSyntaxException's message using the adventure-provided interface for rich-message exceptions.
asEmitter(Entity) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
for removal, we can use loom interface injection instead
asHoverEvent(UnaryOperator<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.EntityHoverEventSource
audience() - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.AdventureCommandSourceStack
audience() - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricClientAudiences
Get an audience for the client's player.
audience(Iterable<ServerPlayer>) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricServerAudiences
Create an audience that will send to every listed player.
audience(CommandSource) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricServerAudiences
Get an audience that will send to the provided CommandSource.
audience(CommandSourceStack) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricServerAudiences
Get an audience to send to a CommandSourceStack.


build() - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricClientAudiences.Builder
Builds the provider.
builder() - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricClientAudiences
Create a builder for an audience provider that might use custom locales.
builder(MinecraftServer) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricServerAudiences
Create an audience provider for this server with customized settings.


CHANGED_EVENT - Static variable in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.PlayerLocales
Registration for PlayerLocales.Changed.
CollectPointersCallback - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
An event called when pointers for some Pointered implementation are required.
component() - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
component(CommandContext<?>, String) - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType
Get the component from the provided context.
component(ComponentArgumentType.Format) - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType
Get an argument type for component arguments.
ComponentArgumentType - Class in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
An argument that takes JSON-format text.
ComponentArgumentType.Format - Enum Class in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Supported text formats for registering components.
componentRenderer(Function<Pointered, T>, ComponentRenderer<T>) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricClientAudiences.Builder
Sets the component renderer and partition function for the provider.
componentRenderer(ComponentRenderer<Pointered>) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricClientAudiences.Builder
Sets the component renderer for the provider.


EntityHoverEventSource - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
An interface providing default implementations of HoverEventSource methods.
EVENT - Static variable in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.CollectPointersCallback
The event holder for this callback.
examples() - Method in enum class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType.Format
Get examples of this format in use.


FabricAudiences - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Common operations in both the client and server environments.
FabricClientAudiences - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Access the client's player as an Audience.
FabricClientAudiences.Builder - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Build a FabricClientAudiences instance.
FabricResourcePackCallback - Class in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Resource pack callbacks for the Fabric environment.
FabricServerAudiences - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Provides Audience instances for a specific server instance.
FabricServerAudiences.Builder - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Builder for FabricServerAudiences with custom attributes.
flattener() - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Return a component flattener that can use game data to resolve extra information about components.
format() - Method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType
Get the format used for this argument.


getExamples() - Method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType


id() - Method in enum class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType.Format
Get a unique identifier for this format.
identified(Player) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
for removal, use interface injection instead
IdentifiedAtRuntime - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Classes extending this interface will have the IdentifiedAtRuntime.identity() implementation provided at runtime via Mixin or otherwise.
identity() - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.AdventureCommandSourceStack
identity() - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.IdentifiedAtRuntime
identity(GameProfile) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Get an Identity representation of a GameProfile.
INDEX - Static variable in enum class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType.Format


json() - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType
Get the argument type for component arguments in JSON format.
JSON - Enum constant in enum class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType.Format


key() - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.KeyArgumentType
Get an argument type instance for Keys.
key(CommandContext<?>, String) - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.KeyArgumentType
Get a Key-typed value from a parsed CommandContext.
KeyArgumentType - Class in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
An argument that will be decoded as a Key.
kickIfNotApplied() - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricResourcePackCallback
Kick a resource pack receiver if they do not accept a resource pack.
kickIfNotApplied(Component) - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricResourcePackCallback
Kick a resource pack receiver if they do not accept a resource pack.


locale(Player) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.PlayerLocales
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use pointer instead, player.get(Identity.LOCALE).orElse(Locale.getDefault()) on a server or client player


miniMessage() - Static method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType
Get the argument type for component arguments in MiniMessage format.
MINIMESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType.Format


net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric - package net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
Implementation of Adventure on Minecraft using the Fabric mod loader.
nonWrappingSerializer() - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Return a TextSerializer instance that will do deep conversions between Adventure Components and Minecraft Components.


of() - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricClientAudiences
Get the common instance, that will render using the global translation registry.
of(MinecraftServer) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricServerAudiences
Get the shared audience provider for the server.
onLocaleChanged(ServerPlayer, Locale) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.PlayerLocales.Changed
Handle the locale change.


parse(StringReader) - Method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType
parse(StringReader) - Method in class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.KeyArgumentType
partition(Function<Pointered, ?>) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricClientAudiences.Builder
Set the partition function for the provider.
PlayerLocales - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
API for working with player locales.
PlayerLocales.Changed - Interface in net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric
An event called when a player locale update is received.


registerPointers(Pointered, Pointers.Builder) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.CollectPointersCallback
Register pointers for a specific pointered object.
renderer() - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Active renderer to render components.


sendFailure(Component) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.AdventureCommandSourceStack
Send an error message to the command source.
sendLazySuccess(Supplier<Component>, boolean) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.AdventureCommandSourceStack
Send a result message to the command source.
sendSuccess(Component, boolean) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.AdventureCommandSourceStack
Send a result message to the command source.


toAdventure(Component) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use ComponentLike.asComponent() instead, implemented on Component
toAdventure(ResourceLocation) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ResourceLocation directly implements key, and all Keys are ResourceLocations since Loader 0.14.0
toNative(Component) - Method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Get a native Component from an adventure Component.
toNative(Key) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Convert a Kyori Key instance to a MC ResourceLocation.


update(Component, UnaryOperator<Component>) - Static method in interface net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.FabricAudiences
Given an existing native component, convert it into an Adventure component for working with.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType.Format
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class net.kyori.adventure.platform.fabric.ComponentArgumentType.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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